This is the time of year when we enter our annual budget drive, which raises all the funds needed to operate WUUC. Our theme is Turning to the Future. As we embark on our next journey with a new minister in the coming year, it’s important to build a solid financial footing to launch our ship forward. Meet this year’s drive co-chairs, who were both drawn to WUUC by the chance to sing in the choir.
Mark Apland
When I was born, I was very close to my mother. I am culturally Lutheran and grew up in a community, which is what drew me to Sharingwood to raise my children. Later, I went through a divorce, and shortly afterwards my co-parent passed from cancer, leaving me a single father. A few years later as my daughters were getting older, Stephana Ditzler said it was time for me to get back to singing in a choir. I had lost faith in faith, so was not inclined to consider a “church”, but she talked me into it, and so here I am. The UU teachings fit well for me.
Phil Archibald
I’m a newcomer to UU and was initially attracted to WUUC as an opportunity to sing in a choir which I had always wanted to try, but I have never belonged to a church. I’m sixty years old and I enjoy music and disc golf. My number one goal in life is to help make the world better place for everyone.