By Rachel Eddy
August is approaching and with it, our new settled minister, Dan Lillie and his family will arrive in Washington.

The Lillies plan to spend their first month in an Air B and B near Northgate while they familiarize themselves with the area and look for longer-term housing. They will arrive in Washington on Aug. 9, after a five-day drive from New Mexico.

Minister Dan will start by taking some time to get to know our church, congregation, and lay leaders. He is scheduled to be in the pulpit for the first time for Ingathering on Sept. 13.

There are several opportunities to get involved in welcoming the Lillies to Washington and WUUC:

>Jane Matthewson is organizing a meal train to provide the family with homemade, frozen dinners that can be easily heated and served while they get settled into their new home. The Lillies do not eat pork, but have no other dietary restrictions that need to be considered. To sign up to provide a meal, contact Jane at or 425-788-2291.

>Alaine Davis is taking the lead on putting together a welcome basket and cards introducing our congregation to greet the Lillies when they arrive in the new home. To contribute a card sharing a little about yourself and extending welcome, or to help with the gift basket, contact Alaine at

>The Building and Grounds Committee (BAG) is working to get our church, and specifically the minister’s office ready for Minister Dan. If you would like to volunteer with BAG, you can contact Tom Richards at

>There will also likely be a need for help getting the family’s belonging unloaded and moved into their new home. Those interested in helping to meet that need can contact Jane at or 425-788-2291.

Finally, Minister Dan’s virtual ordination with the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque is scheduled for Oct. 4. Minister Dan and the Albuquerque congregation have invited us to join them as a co-sponsor of Minister Dan’s ordination, and to share in the ceremony. Ordaining a minister requires a congregational vote, so the board has called for a congregational meeting on Aug. 2, and vote on Aug. 16, recommending that we join in Minister Dan’s ordination. Please plan to attend the virtual meeting immediately following service, and be sure to return your e-mail ballot to Terry Santmann at and CC David Simons at To ensure that your vote is counted, both Terry and David need to receive your ballot no later than noon Aug. 17.

Dates to Save:

August 2 – Congregational meeting regarding Minister Dan’s ordination

August 9 – The Lillies arrive in Washington

August 16 – Congregational vote on Minister Dan’s ordination

August 17 – E-mail ballots due by noon

September 13 – Minister Dan’s first Sunday in WUUC’s pulpit

Plans are underway, but not yet settled for a drive through meet and greet in mid-August – watch for details!