– Stewardship Committee

Thanks to five anonymous donors who pledged a $10,000 match, as well as generous donors who seized the matching opportunity, the $10,000 pledge drive match has been met, boosting our annual campaign significantly! As of 4/30/23, our WUUC pledge drive total now stands at $305,977.

Our goal is $326,000, so we are still facing a shortfall. Although the drive has officially ended, if you are considering increasing your pledge, now is the time to do so.

Exact figures are likely to change as this newsletter goes to print (and as you decide to increase your pledge!), so watch your email for any updates on final pledge drive totals.

The Finance Committee and the Board will decide how to best manage the shortfall for the coming year. Revenues from the preschool rental, auction and rummage sales help, but our goal is to not be dependent on these sources of revenue to meet our operating expenses.

Thanks again to everyone for your ongoing support of WUUC.

If you have not already pledged, it is not too late. 

Pledges and pledge increases will continue to be gratefully accepted at:  https://forms.gle/LE7pCmTgZjY7VkG18 or by completing and returning the pledge form.