At the board meeting on Nov. 5, board Secretary Terry Santmann gave a report on the bylaws vote: 71 people voted in total. 67 people voted in favor of the first bylaws proposal. 70 people voted in favor of the second proposal. The third bylaws proposal was approved unanimously. The Board spent the rest of the meeting on an extensive and detailed review of the edits to the model ministerial contract recommended by the board subcommittee.

The Board had previously discussed the pros and cons of multi-generational worship on Sundays and has asked the Ministry Council to evaluate the best method to analyze and explore the idea of Sunday Forums.

The Board had requested that The Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) make a recommendation regarding whether the church should proceed with a search for a settled minister or choose a different search path (.e.g. Developmental, Contract, etc.) The MSC has discussed at length the results of the recently concluded survey and cottage meetings. Based on those results, as well as on the committee members’ own impressions of the congregation’s readiness, the MSC has unanimously recommended that that the search for a settled minister should continue. At the Nov. 19 meeting the Board voted unanimously to follow the MSC’s recommendation to continue the search for a settled minister. The group also discussed at length Rev. Duane’s feedback on the proposed draft minister contract. (Rev. Duane is WUUC’s ministerial transition coach.) The ministerial contract team will meet again to recommend further revisions.

We have a dilemma regarding our dire need for immediate improved internet service and the delay in funding which would likely result if we attempt to fund the technological upgrade through Chalice Lighters. David will further research the possibility of getting both a $4,000 Chalice Lighters matching grant immediately for the internet upgrade as well as later applying for a full Chalice Lighter grant for further technological upgrades. The Board authorized the release of $4,000 from the solar fund reserve in response to a request from one of the donors. The $4,000 would be used for the internet upgrade, should we apply for the matching grant.

David will buy extra headphones and receivers for the hearing loop, so the church will have ten in total to provide on Sundays. Rev. Diana will include hearing loop information and procedures in an Announce email about accessibility.

The next board meeting will be held in the WUUC library at 6:30 pm on December 10th.

For minutes of the Nov. 19 board meeting, go here:
For minutes of the Nov. 5 board meeting, go here:
For minutes of the Oct. 20 Congregational Meeting, go here: