Happy New Year! We begin 2020 with a last-minute call for support for the January Totes delivery. At this writing, we still need quite a few items, including peanut butter, juice packs and snack packs for this month’s delivery. We’re packing later than usual (Jan. 5) because of the schools’ winter breaks.
Just to review, our Totes to Go program assists 15 kids identified by the schools as being at risk of missing meals over weekends and school breaks when school meals aren’t available. We serve two Bothell schools – an elementary and a Middle School. Each month we fulfill a list of food items and the school staff sends a selection of those items home with each student on Fridays. All the items are shelf stable. No refrigeration needed. You can see the variety of items in the baskets across the hall from the library. Questions? Contact John Hartman or Grace Simons
Many, many thanks to all our supporters! It’s a pretty ambitious program, but one that’s much needed!