By Grace Simons
Here we are in February – shortest month of the year! We pack a lot into this month, and that includes getting ready for the March delivery of food items for kids in two Bothell schools. As usual, we need a range of items – milk, juice, snacks, peanut butter, crackers, one-dish meals, canned meat or fish, granola bars, fruit and cereal. All of them are meant to supplement weekend needs when school meals aren’t available. Please bring your contributions to the church and leave them in the baskets across from the nursery. You can also check the baskets to see what kinds of things are being donated or what is currently needed.
“Totes” is one of our community service projects and makes a difference for 15 students, mostly elementary age. We know that empty stomachs make learning difficult, and we help to prevent that. Many, many thanks to all who have donated items for this program! Let’s keep it up!
Questions? Contact John Hartman or Grace Simons, “Totes” coordinators.