By Pam Green
ASJ Co-Chair
Sunday Special Collections
December’s Advocates for Social Justice special collection raised $935 for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. The UUSC is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization advancing human rights together with an international community of grassroots partners and advocates.
Our next special collection, during the service on February 21, will go to Root of Our Youth, a Washington-based group of high school and college students that are passionate about racial equity and appreciating all cultures and lifestyles. The Root of Our Youth is the student subcommittee of The Root of Us, and works closely with them on projects, rallies, and more to educate others. Their goals are based around policy reform and accountability in school districts. Check out this video The Root of Our Youth created last fall. To engage with and support The Root of Youth, attend the Equity & Me Teach-In on Saturday, Feb. 6, a multigenerational teaching and learning exchange. Deepen your understanding of eight key topics relevant to our current educational practices and leave with clear calls to action.
The ASJ Committee thanks WUUC members and friends for their generous support of our monthly special collections, which take place during services on the third Sunday of every month. Instructions for giving are posted during the service, and you can also donate anytime the following week at, or by sending a check to WUUC at P.O. Box 111, Woodinville, WA 98072. Please make checks out to WUUC and write “ASJ Special Collection” in the notes.
Farmer Frog Delivery Crew
We’re very happy to report that WUUC has started regular fresh food deliveries for families living in the Greenleaf Community. We’ve been partnering leaders in Greenleaf since last summer through our Black Student and Family Fund and now as broader economic justice work. Thanks to the many volunteers who stepped forward, we now have a crew who regularly picks up fresh food from Farmer Frog, a local farm on Paradise Lake Road, and delivers it to the families at Greenleaf. This is a welcome resource for many families, especially as the COVID pandemic and its impact continues. Thank you again to everyone who volunteered, we had more interest than we could even use for this project.
Needed: We’ve learned that there are a couple of things that would be very helpful to have for distributing groceries to families:
- 1-2 canopy style tents for the Greenleaf leaders to use for cover on rainy days. (Soggy boxes and packages make it hard to sort out packaged food to distribute to families.)
- Bags and/or boxes (paper or plastic) for sorting out food to distribute to family’s doorsteps.
If you’d like to contribute any of these items, reach out to