By Grace Simons
They’re coming back! Students will return to Maywood Hills Elementary in just a few weeks! It’s time for us to get back in gear and provide kids who need it with food to take home over the weekends. That means getting back in the habit of adding an item or two for ‘Totes’ when you do your regular shopping.

If you aren’t familiar with the program – or just need a refresher, here are the basics:

Totes To Go is a system through which schools in our general area identify students who are at risk of missing meals over weekends, when school breakfast and lunch programs aren’t available. We know that hungry kids can’t learn well, so we provide a variety of food items that are placed in a backpack for each of those students to take home with them on Fridays. They are mostly single serving items as the living situations of the students may be unstable. WUUC has been participating in the program for many years, but COVID put us on hold. Now we’re starting up again!

Each month we collect: Individual shelf stable milk boxes, Canned meat or fish, Individual serving cereal boxes, Peanut butter, Snacks, Juice boxes, Crackers, Single serving canned fruit, One-dish meals,             Granola bars

We again hope to support 15 students. That means we need 60 of each ‘individual’ size items, 30 canned meat or fish, 15 jars of peanut butter and 15 sleeves of crackers (usually salt crackers or Ritz-type).

Please bring your items by Sunday, Aug 29. They can be left in the new shed on the west side of the church building. Once we are back in person we’ll use the baskets inside the church.  Questions? Contact Grace Simons or John Hartman, co-coordinators.