By John Hartman
Bad News

  • Virtually every child on the planet is exposed to at least one climate or environmental hazard right now.
  • 850 million children are exposed to four or more climate or environmental hazards.
  • Thirty-three countries are considered extremely high risk for children, but those countries emit just 9 per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions.
  • The 10 countries with the highest emissions collectively account for nearly 70% of global emissions, but children in those higher-emitting countries face lower overall risks associated with climate change.

Good News

  • Federal climate action is happening.  (Thanks for voting!)
  • The Glasgow Climate Summit in November will put countries “feet to the carbon fire.”  They will ratchet up the goals they set in Paris.
  • Countries are already signing up for deep carbon cuts. China aims to go carbon neutral by 2060.
  • Renewables are now the cheapest energy. At some point it will make economic sense to shut down and replace coal and gas power stations.
  • Covid was a wake-up call. It has reminded us that it is possible for our world to be upended in ways we cannot control.
  • Business is going green. Why invest in new oil wells or coal power stations that will become obsolete before they can repay themselves? Tesla is the world’s most valuable car company. Exxon stock’s value fell so far that it got booted out of the Dow Jones for major US corporations.

There is reason for hope. But even if we win the battle to create a carbon-neutral world the major fight will be in persuading the rich carbon-producing countries to support the countries who will suffer from the greatest impact of climate change. Creating a mechanism for this to happen will be one of our greatest challenges.