Hi Everyone,

WUUC’s Advocates for Social Justice is joining JUUstice Washington as they focus their legislative advocacy positions and actions on the Take Action Network, a web platform designed for those who want to be more civically engaged in Washington State.

Please click on https://www.takeaction.network/users/new?invitation_token=heauycUyneq62Eu28HmFHg  to join the Take Action Network.  You’ll be provided with an initial profile that will allow you to follow JUUstice Washington’s legislative advocacy work and actions (and those of other advocacy organizations) that most relate to your primary issues and the types of events and civil actions of most interest to you.  TAN also allows you to customize the information you receive.  We hope that you will include actions and events from JUUstice Washington in your TAN list of sources.

See you there!

 And, of course, we will continue to provide more information and additional events on the JUUstice Washington website (http://juustwa.org)  and though our direct communications with you.  To learn more, you can also join the 3rd Tuesday Emergent Conversations each month organized by our JUUstice Washington Revitalization Project interns Sahar and Elle.  Check the website for more information.

We will be making available TAN training information in the coming weeks to help you get the most out of this new resource.

 We also encourage Washington UU congregations to facilitate their members joining TAN.