By Leslie Morton
The Rummage Sale will be on Friday and Saturday, June 3-4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The main set up and donation day is right after services on Sunday, May 29. This is unfortunately Memorial Day weekend (if you have ever tried to schedule something at church you will understand!).
On that Sunday we will take everything out of the sanctuary, set up tables for the sale and start setting up donated items. We will need lots of volunteers that day and every day that week and on the sale days. If you haven’t volunteered before, have no worries; the job isn’t complicated and there are plenty of people around to help you. We will also need volunteers for after the sale to put the church back together in time for Sunday services on June 5.
What do we take for the Rummage Sale? Almost anything: clothing, shoes, books, crafts, toys, holiday, household, bikes, yard, and of course Boutique items (higher-end everything). This year I really want to encourage people to bring as much “soft goods” as possible; clothing, linens, shoes, purses and accessories.
If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the Rummage Sale team members: Dewey Millar, Linda McCrystal, Johnna Ebanks, Tevina Flood and Leslie Morton (, 425-891-4285).
We need this to be successful for the church coffers and for our garages/basements/closets!

Thank you in advance!