WUUC Discernment, Dialogue and GA 2023 Delegate Plan
Your WUUC Board 2023 goal is to foster the development of healthier congregational communication and interactions, aiming to grow mutual understanding among the diversity of perspectives and beliefs represented and build a community where all belong together.
To that end, the Board has developed a plan to support our congregation’s discernment, dialogue and delegate selection process for the coming UUA General Assembly (GA) June 21-25, 2023. A simple majority vote by delegates will be required for moving the proposed UUA Bylaws Article II language forward for further discernment within the UUA in the coming year.
Here are the components of the Board Plan:
- An Article II Resource List landing page with links to content both supporting and opposing Article II proposed changes. Content is contributed by WUUC members/friends and Resource List is being managed by Lori McConnell.
Link to Resource List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kFuy4OYQ6KGnXxu2rHaYyQl0rX-B4Wy-H3rQjItjeFI/edit?usp=sharing
- Article II Discernment & Dialogue sessions facilitated by a neutral non-UU mediator, Ryan Nakade, engaged by Rev. Dan Lillie. Two 2-hour sessions will be offered: Sunday, March 26th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. PST on Zoom and Sunday, April 23rd from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. PST in-person.
- A survey or vote (TBD) of WUUC congregation conducted to provide guidance to WUUC delegates to GA 2023 for the purpose of voting on whether to support or oppose moving the Article II proposed language forward for further discernment within the UUA in the coming year. The survey or vote will be conducted in the early May, 2023 timeframe.
- An invitation from the Board Secretary, Terry Santmann to WUUC members to express interest in being a WUUC delegate to GA 2023. Based on membership size, WUUC is eligible to select 3 delegates for voting at GA 2023. The invitation will be sent in the mid-March timeframe and (if needed) delegate selection by Congregational vote will be done consistent with the WUUC Bylaws for fair representation of congregants’ differing preferences.
- WUUC members/friends will be asked to join the WUUC Denominational Affairs e-mail group to participate in in-depth e-mail exchange and discussions about Article II.
- The Board will invite WUUC members/friends who have specific questions related to Article II or want a one-on-one discussion with a Board member to send questions/concerns to Board@wuuc.org.
The Board and Rev. Dan encourage WUUC members/friends to take advantage of this variety of opportunities for respectful listening, sharing of information, thoughts and feelings regarding the UUA Bylaws Article II proposal. If you have additional suggestions/ideas, please contact any of the Board members or Rev. Dan by e-mail at Board@wuuc.org or via individual e-mail addresses.