Hello community,
The nursery at WUUC will be experiencing a staffing transition in the month of March. Our wonderful nursery coordinator, Jen Ikeda, has decided to take a step back in her role at WUUC. She will still be with us, but now as a childcare provider rather than the program coordinator. You will definitely still see her around the church, but maybe a little less frequently than before. She has graciously helped us as she transitions out of the coordinator role and we appreciate the dedication she brought to RE for the past 8 years as well as what she will continue to bring to her new position. Moving forward, please direct any questions about childcare or RE to me.
Here is a personal message from Jen:

“Watching our children grow over all these years has been such a treasured experience in my life. Although I want to free up more hours for working with my official students, and so will be spending fewer hours with the church, I am very committed to remaining part of this community. Mostly it’s the behind-the-scenes work that is changing for me so it won’t look all that different on Sunday mornings. I can’t wait for Skylar’s events and to continue connecting with our UU families.”
Skylar Hopkins, Director Of Religious Education