This year WUUC was allowed 3 delegates to participate in and vote on the business resolutions at the 62rd National UUA General Assembly (GA – the annual global meeting of UU’s). Exactly 3 members stepped forward to volunteer their time: Jan Radoslovich (in person in Pittsburgh), Winny Schnitzler, and Carol Taylor (both remote). All of us were first time delegates and it was an intensive and interesting process. Of the 2,593 delegates from 715 congregations, 447 were online.

The most time was spent discussing amendments to the proposed revisions to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. Over the past 2 years, the commission was charged by the UUA board with the task of revising the text solicited input from more than 10,000 UU’s (roughly 5% of us) throughout the country and proposed a draft to the UUA board in January for review and refinement. A number of people from WUUC participated in the input process. The final draft was shared in April with opportunity for public comment. More than 800 UU’s posted suggestions, including several people from our own congregation (Azure Forte and Lauren Soliday). Delegates then had a chance to submit specific amendments during GA to change the proposed text.

Almost 500 amendments were submitted by delegates, and 86 of those were short-listed for consideration, including the 3 we submitted in response to the Article II survey feedback from WUUC (loss of Principles, abstraction of Sources, definition of Love). One of our amendments (preserving the current 7 Principles as a bridge to the new Values) was selected as part of the final list of 15 to be presented, discussed, and voted on in the General Sessions. Jan presented the amendment live in the hall (yeah Jan!) and while it did not pass, we were proud to have our voice represented in the process.

Of the prioritized amendments, 5 were passed and the final package of changes was then voted on by the delegates and passed with an approval of 86% (+50% required to pass). This means the revision and process will continue into next year with the final version presented to the board in January and voted on by the delegates at the 2024 GA (requiring a 2/3 majority to be adopted). Per the UUA Bylaws, additional amendments will be considered with support from a sufficient number of congregations (15). While our 3 amendments did not move forward, several similar amendments that captured the spirit of some of our congregation’s concerns did (including reintroduction of some Sources language). Given that a majority of our WUUC members who responded to the survey were in favor of the changes (~62%), we all supported the opportunity to continue the discussions and revisions into next year and voted in favor.

The other business proposal was the Complete Divestment in the Fossil Fuel Industry and Subsequent Reparations. There was a proposed amendment to remove the reparations portion which did not pass. The amendment failed by 68%. This measure was proposed by a young adult caucus who cares deeply about climate change and its disproportionate effect on marginalized communities (and who staged a spirited demonstration in favor). While we all supported the substance and intent of the proposal, the con arguments made regarding the feasibility and lack of specificity persuaded us to oppose it. The UUA board publicly reaffirmed its commitment to continuing to address the issues raised in the term ahead.

The vote to install Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as the next president of the UUA passed almost unanimously. She succeeds Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Grey who ends her 6-year term (she ran by petition, not by nomination). Delegates had the opportunity to pose questions to Sophia during a forum discussion. There were originally 2 candidates proposed by the nominating committee, but one dropped out late without enough time to vet additional candidates. Another filed a petition but did not qualify (following the process outlined in the bylaws).

There were 5 candidates for the nominating committee, 4 proposed and 1 petitioned. The four proposed were all voted in. This group nominates members to the UUA’s Board of Trustee (separate from the presidential nominating process).

Three Actions of Immediate Witness (AIW’s) out of the 6 originally proposed were passed (as allowed by the process). Rise Up to Stop Cop City, Organizing for Health Equity, Protect the Dreamers, the Recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) with a Pathway to Permanent Residence. All had broad support.

GA 2024 will be exclusively online for financial reasons, for carbon emissions reduction, and to allow uniform access to the same shared experience for all participants. There is a commitment to conduct GA online periodically going forward. GA 2025 will be in person/hybrid in Baltimore, Maryland.