Greetings WUUC community,

As we enter my fifth year of ministry with you here at WUUC, I want to share the news that I will be taking a sabbatical during the 2024-25 church year. This is a normal custom among clergy of all types, and specifically for Unitarian Universalist ministers. In our faith tradition (and in accordance with my Letter of Agreement), a called minister receives one month of sabbatical time for every year of ministry served. This means that this year (year five), I will be taking a four-month sabbatical starting on November 25, 2024, and returning to work on March 25, 2025. My first Sunday worship service back in the pulpit will be on April 6, 2025 (to give me some time to reintegrate back into the community before planning and leading worship again).

I imagine you might have some questions about how all of this will work. Luckily, I’m not having to figure it out alone. I have formed (and been working with) a Sabbatical Team to create coverage plans that will ensure everything goes smoothly while I’m away. There is still some planning to do and details to work out, but our plans are beginning to take shape. 

To share what we know so far, we have created a brochure (attached) with information about the upcoming sabbatical. If (after reading the brochure) you still have questions, bring them with you to church on Sunday. After the worship service (this Sunday 8/18), there will be a Q&A session with myself and the Sabbatical Team to address your unanswered questions. 

I am looking forward to my sabbatical; and also to returning from it refreshed, renewed, and ready to dive back into the vibrant ministry here at WUUC! As much as I’m looking forward to this, I know I will miss you all very much and be eager to see you all again by the time March rolls around. For the next few months, though, let’s focus on getting this new church year off to a good start. 

See you on Sunday!

Rev. Dan Lillie (he/him)