The forecast is for tropical breezes as Villasenor and “the Katz,” our WUUC Auctioneers, are ready to catch your waves – that is, take your bids on your favorite auction items. Wax up your mouse pad and don’t hold back – Hang Five, Hang Ten, drop in and shoot the curl. Just don’t be a Hodad.
When: Saturday, November 20, 7-9pm, live auction & party!
What: Silent auction online November 14-20; live auction and entertainment Saturday, November 20, 7-9pm
Where: Zoomcast from a recently discovered tropical island!
By Linda Sherry Worship Support Specialist There are so many rewarding ways to be involved at WUUC, from non-fiction book groups, a variety of classes and small group opportunities to enjoying our Sunday worship services. And many of us find volunteering in one way or another is deeply rewarding in many ways, such as deepening your understanding of UUism, to getting to know people with similar interests, and just the joy of working to support the health of our wonderful spiritual home.
A few current volunteer opportunities:
Sing with your voice and heart – Join the choir!
We may not be quite ready to safely join together physically in song, but our choir has risen above the obstacle and developed ways to sing together, so rise up and sing – with the WUUC choir.
Techie Types – help with production of Sunday Services!
As we prepare to create hybrid services that can be enjoyed simultaneously at home or in the sanctuary, we need a few more folks to help run sound and cameras at church. Tech Team-mates will rotate duties, so you would be scheduled about once a month.
Keep our building and property welcoming and beautiful!
Our Building And Grounds team (BAG) need more folks to help keep up the landscape, do repairs, and generally maintain the physical space of our spiritual home. There’s a work party at church on Saturday, Nov. 13.
To learn about more opportunities to deepen your relationship with the community, please look at the Ways to Get Involved page under the Connect tab on the WUUC website:
Or get in touch with Karen Hyams, WUUC’s Engagement Coordinator:
“Sing your song Dance your dance Tell your story I will Listen and remember” ― Utah Phillips
By Bridget Laflin Congregational Intern The Soul Matters theme for November is “Holding History.” As I reflect on this theme, I think about those loved ones who have passed away. In the past two years, we have lost more people to illness than any time in recent history. It has had a deep impact on all of us. There is blessing used in the Jewish tradition when offering sympathy to people who have lost a loved one, “May their memories be a blessing.”
And so I recall the blessing of the memories of those who have died. I remember our history together. I relive the adventures we shared, the times we laughed, and the times when we supported each other. I dwell for a time in the love that we shared and regret the times we were distant. I revel in the memory of their life intertwined with mine. I am grateful for the gifts they shared with me; their courage, their wisdom, and their love. I am a different person for having loved them and for their having loved me.
And I think about the future. How can my memory be a blessing to those who remain after I die? What memories can we make together that will bless their future?
And so I offer this prayer: May the memories of those who have gone before me be a blessing to me, and may I live my life in a way that my memory will be a blessing to those who come after. Amen.
It’s hard to believe that it is already November! It has been my tradition for the past few years to share a daily gratitude post on social media throughout the month of November. It feels like right now there is so much to be grateful for!
We will soon be able to regather for church services and activities in person. Most of our children will soon be eligible for Covid-19 vaccinations. Life feels so valuable and precious, and I am grateful for so many things.
I have so much gratitude for the WUUC congregation and your commitment to maintaining the connection of our beloved community throughout the past year and a half. I have witnessed so many instances of love, compassion, kindness, creativity, and hard work from you all as we have navigated this new world we live in. I want you to know that your contributions have been seen. Your dedication is appreciated, and I am so grateful for you.
As we move forward into the next phase of our congregational life, I rejoice in this beloved community and am deeply grateful for all of you.
UU 101 is a two-session class offered quarterly that covers some basics about Unitarian Universalist History, Theology, and Polity. What is polity, you ask? Come to UU 101 and find out! The next UU 101 dates are:
Session 1: Wednesday, October 20, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, via Zoom
Session 2: Wednesday, October 27, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, via Zoom
Improvisational Comedy (Improv) has become incredibly popular over the past several years as a form of entertainment and as a way for actors to build their skills. Improv can also be a powerful form of spiritual practice. Bridget has been performing and teaching improv for over 20 years and it has been an integral part of her personal and spiritual growth. You are invited to come play, laugh, and learn improv basics with her while also learning how these skills can aid in your spiritual journey.
When: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month (Nov. 2-March 15) from 7-8:30 p.m.
Where: WUUC Sanctuary (This will be an in person class. Masks will be required. Social distancing will be practiced as much as possible.)
Who: High School Youth and Adults (Limited to 18 participants)
This 4-session course provides an opportunity to explore Spiritual Practices as a way to engage the holy and deepen our spiritual lives. We will learn about and try out a few Spiritual Practices together, and then we will share and reflect on our experience.
The four sessions will be on Saturdays from 1-3 p.m. Oct. 23 and 30, and Nov. 6 and 13.
This course will be in-person at WUUC, outdoors when weather permits, and masks required when indoors. This course is limited to 9 participants. Registration deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 20, but may fill up sooner. Please register for the course by emailing Rev. Dan Lillie (