Worship Team Update  – Music Opportunities at WUUC

Worship Team Update – Music Opportunities at WUUC

“Without music life would be a mistake.
– Friedrich Nietzsch

From the UUA web: “Music and singing are integral parts of our Unitarian Universalist (UU) worship services……music shifts the energy of worship and moves it into our bodies.”

By Donna Johnson
At our recent Worship Team retreat we spent time with WUUC’s music leaders – Matt Smith (Choir Director), Terry Levitt (Accompanist Plus), and Brad Hull (Special Music Coordinator).  WUUC has been very lucky to have these three in place during our many months of Zoom services.  They brought amazing renditions of choral pieces, hymns, musical responses, and special music into our homes each Sunday, and they have plans for more ways to use music to “shift the energy of worship” at WUUC in the coming months.   

Matt, Terry, and Brad don’t make music all alone. They collaborate with many members of our WUUC community. These members give the gifts of their voices and musical talents when they volunteer to sing in the choir or to create “special music” for our services.

If you have been thinking about joining the choir or sharing your instrumental and/or vocal musical talents with us this is the time to step up!

Choir meets each Thursday evening over zoom. For more information, contact Matt Smith at choirdirector@wuuc.org.

Special musical pieces are used in services most weeks at WUUC.  For more information or to volunteer, contact Brad Hull at bkhull@gmail.com.

Coming of Age and Senior Skills

Coming of Age and Senior Skills

As we move into October and our Soul Matters theme of Deep Listening, I am reflecting on how important it is to listen to the call within our own hearts, to periodically take time to reflect on our lives and discern the next best steps on our path. Each of our journeys is unique and we are the only ones who can determine how we want to exist in the world.

With that in mind, we are offering two different programs within our senior youth group this year. The 9-11 graders will have the opportunity to participate in the Coming of Age program throughout the year.  Coming of Age (COA) is a first step in developing a lifelong skill of discernment about what it means to live a life of faith, individually and as part of the larger Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith community. 

The senior class, most of whom completed Coming of Age when they were younger, will meet once a month to discuss the issues and learn skills to help them transition into young adulthood. There are many decisions to make as one moves from adolescence into adulthood, and it is more important than ever for youth to revisit their individual values, and how to live those values in the world.

I invite you to support our youth in whatever ways you are able this year as they all do the challenging work of personal discernment and development.  Keep them in your thoughts and prayers, volunteer to be a Coming of Age mentor, participate in social justice activities with them, send cards or notes, listen to them when they speak or share, or maybe you have some other ideas!

NW Justice Summit

By John HIlke
This year, the NW Justice Summit, organized by JUUstice Washington, will be online (for obvious reasons) and this has allowed us to attract a wider range of panelists than in the past.  Unlike previous summits, all of 2020 summit programs will be sequential so that you can select the events that you want to attend and not miss any others. 

Also new this year, the Summit will reconvene in early December to discuss strategies for justice work in our state and beyond after the elections.

Please register for the NW JUUstice Summit by visiting the JUUstice Washington website — https://juustwa.org/ .  Closer to the event, registrants will get information for joining the various online sessions.  Feel free to forward the flyer to any folks you know who might be interested.

Please let John Hilke know if you have any problem registering.

Theme: Deep Listening

By Linda Sherry
What does it mean to be a people of Deep Listening?

Active Listening, a skillset taught broadly in the ’80s and ’90s, is defined as :

the ability to focus completely on a speaker, understand their message, comprehend the information and respond thoughtfully.

So how would you define Deep Listening? 

This month we will consider listening in more profound ways, ways we might call Deep Listening. 

Perhaps when we listen deeply, it is for more than information or exchange of thoughts. Perhaps it is when we listen for the reasons, for the context, for the issues, for the backstory, for the impact. Here are a few thoughts you might want to ponder as WUUC embarks on this month’s theme.

What if listening was really an act of love?

What if listening was really an act of prayer?

 Perhaps you’ve discovered in those rare moments of deep listening that a space suddenly opens up? A space that feels sacred. A space that, once you’ve experienced it, you never want to leave.

“To listen deeply is very hard, because it asks of us so much interior stability that we no longer need to prove ourselves by speeches, arguments, statements, or declarations. True listeners no longer have an inner need to make their presence known. They are free to receive, to welcome, to accept.”
— Henri Nouwen

“We don’t just listen for clarity and guidance, we listen to become larger. Those voices calling us home are our home. We don’t have conversations, we are our conversations. …

“We must remember friends: Who we listen to is who we become.”
— Rev. Scott Tayler

“Listening to both sides of a story will convince you that there is more to a story than both sides.”
— Frank Tyger

Do we only listen to the words?  What if we listen to the silence between the words?

Listening in moments without words… a cricket chirps…  my heart beats…  life is precious… I am filled with gladness.

How to Welcome EVERYONE into Beloved Community

How to Welcome EVERYONE into Beloved Community

By Jean Fowler
Coming Oct. 19: “Transgender Inclusion in Congregations” – Offered by the Welcoming Congregations Committee

This eight-session Zoom course, beginning on Oct. 19, is designed to support our congregation as we strive to become ever more Welcoming to All – to include being fully inclusive and affirming of people of all genders.  Our initial offering will be limited to 12 participants who we ask to commit to attending all 8 sessions between Oct. 19, 2020 and Feb. 8, 2021 from 7-9 p.m.   Register for the course at:


Several members of the Welcoming Congregation Committee have gone through this curriculum themselves and highly recommend it.

The course was created by the Transforming Hearts Collective, a team of amazing trans UU religious professionals, and uses pre-recorded videos and guided conversations to deepen our understanding of gender identity and expression in spiritual community. This class is an important step in living WUUC’s Welcome Congregations commitment, and we invite you to be part of it.

This curriculum was developed by a collective of individuals that include Zr. Alex Kapitan and Rev. Mykal Slack, who are the presenters of the course. Many of you may remember Rev. Mykal Slack’s prayer during the Sunday service at this year’s Unitarian Universalist General Assembly [[https://www.uua.org/ga/off-site/2020/sunday-worship (starting at 30 minutes and 30 seconds into the video)]

Through six hour-long video lectures, followed by Zoom group discussions, we will:

** explore mainstream narratives about who trans people are;

** explore our understanding of non-binary identities and

** enhance our skills in relationship-building

Participants will be asked to watch each video prior to the group gathering where we will consider discussion questions, share personal experiences and reflect on our understanding of gender-based issues.  The last session will focus on how we can put our learning into practice and enhance WUUC’s Welcome to All.

You can learn more about the curriculum at the collective’s website https://www.transforming heartscollective.org/

The Course will be offered on the following dates:

Oct. 19 – Introductions, Covenanting, Course Outline

Nov. 2 – Introduction to Beloved Community:  Welcome as a Spiritual Practice

Nov. 16 – Gender and Our Faith Community

Nov. 30 – Unpacking the Gender Binary

Dec. 14 – Trans Experience and Spirituality

Jan. 11 – The Role of Culture in Trans Exclusion

Jan. 25 – Creating Culture Shift

Feb. 8 – Closing – Final Reflections – Making it Real at WUUC

For Additional Questions contact:  welcoming@wuuc.org