- Stephana Ditzler All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, December 19 at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 – 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An […]
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar (dewmillar@gmail.com) It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89782031771?pwd=WU1aOUdmVnFnNlVKcE1iNTRwMUtCdz09
Music Circle will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in Ditzler Hall. You are invited to bring your voice, your drums, your guitars or whatever instruments you want for impromptu music making. Bring music if you want, or just jump in any way you can and have some fun […]
Pamela & Chris Denchfield Home-made vegan Indian dinner, with little to zero oil added. Can be made gluten-free with other modifications as needed. Inspired by Seattle cookbook author Richa Hingle. See veganricha.com.
Super Seniors is a group for WUUCs age 77 and above. We meet every 1st Wed of the month (except on Holidays the 2nd Wednesday) for a potluck lunch at noon at the church. If you meet the age criteria we would love to have you join us for good food and good chatting. Questions? […]
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar (dewmillar@gmail.com) It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89782031771?pwd=WU1aOUdmVnFnNlVKcE1iNTRwMUtCdz09
Sign up now for Circle Suppers to be hosted by Chuck Bean on Saturdays, December 7 & 14. Circle Supper’s are potlucks held at a different community member’s house each month. Find the link to the signup sheet sent via the announce email list or email tevina.flood@gmail.com Anyone who wants to attend can put their […]
A Town Hall Meeting will be held to discuss the proposed 2024-2025 budget and candidates for elected leadership positions at WUUC. We will vote on the proposed candidates and budgets at the congregational meeting on Sunday, June 23. Questions? E-mail board@wuuc.org or contact any Board member.
UUA General Assembly (GA) is totally virtual this year, convening June 20-23, 2024. You have elected three WUUC delegates - Dottie Simpson, Pam Green, and Winny Schnitzler. This year, delegates will be voting on adoption of the proposed revisions (and 4 qualified amendments) to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. We are providing an opportunity […]
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar (dewmillar@gmail.com) It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89782031771?pwd=WU1aOUdmVnFnNlVKcE1iNTRwMUtCdz09
Ann and Jeff Lu Join us for a fun, not too challenging hike, with a picnic afterwards. Children and well-behaved dogs can come, too. Rain Date; June 22
Saturday, January 11 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Earlier in winter months. An opportunity for pre-retirement age adults to get together to socialize. It will be Halloween/Fall themed. I know we will already have celebrated Halloween, but we can all still enjoy bobbing for apples, bowling with pumpkins, eating candy, and the like. Feel […]
UUA General Assembly (GA) is totally virtual this year, convening June 20-23, 2024. You have elected three WUUC delegates - Dottie Simpson, Pam Green, and Winny Schnitzler. This year, delegates will be voting on adoption of the proposed revisions (and 4 qualified amendments) to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. We are providing an opportunity […]
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar (dewmillar@gmail.com) It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89782031771?pwd=WU1aOUdmVnFnNlVKcE1iNTRwMUtCdz09
Ann and Jeff Lu Join us for a fun, not too challenging hike, with a picnic afterwards. Children and well-behaved dogs can come, too. Rain Date; June 22
Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about whatever comes up. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning. This is a men's group for WUUC; […]
A potluck in the sanctuary on the 4th Sunday of each month after Sunday service. For those with limited transportation, a potluck just after service is much easier to manage than a special trip to someone’s home like with our circle suppers and lunches. Please send me thoughts and questions to Tevina Flood: tevina.flood@gmail.com.
- Stephana Ditzler All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, December 19 at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 – 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An […]
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar (dewmillar@gmail.com) It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89782031771?pwd=WU1aOUdmVnFnNlVKcE1iNTRwMUtCdz09
East Shore Unitarian Church's Black Lives Matter Flash Stance is held every Sunday at rotating locations on the eastside. Every 5th Sunday of the month), it will be held in downtown Woodinville, on the corner of 175th and Garden in front of Jamba Juice. Show your support by joining them! Bring a sign and wear […]