Poetry Group Service
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Pamela Denchfield and others Hear inspired works from sages, activists, first-time poets, dreamers, scribes, and lovers of the spoken word. Celebrate the themes and forms explored by WUUC Poetry Group in the last year. In addition to metaphor, ghost stories, somatic writing, and works inspired by Lucille Clifton, we dipped into the poetry forms […]
Racial Justice Task Force [L,z]
Library & ZoomCircle Lunch (os)
Off SiteCircle Supper is turning into Circle Lunch! If you would like to attend Circle LUNCH, now is the time to sign up. We’ve switched to lunch for this month to try to accommodate people for whom night time driving is a problem or who just don’t want to stay up and/or eat late in the […]
Poetry Group [l&z]
Library & ZoomExplore poetic forms through group writing exercises and share your work with interested poets. We meet on 2nd Sundays. (August 2024 only on 3rd Sunday) Contact: Pamela Denchfield, pdenchfield@yahoo.com
Starting Point July 2024
Library & ZoomWe periodically run a 4 week small group at WUUC that is for anyone in the congregation - it's a great resource for our newcomers and new members, but it's also a good way for our more established members to make connections with our newer folks or to participate in a small group (trust me, […]
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Ditzler Hall & LibraryOur Tuesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Tuesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
Finance Committee [z]
ZoomFinance Committee Meeting.
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Portable 2Cottage Lake AA Meetings. Tuesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Portable 2. Email office to get in touch with coordinator.
Lay Pastoral Associates [z]
ZoomLay Pastoral Associates Meeting. Contact Rev. Dan for more information.
Board of Trustees Meeting [z]
ZoomAll are welcome to attend anytime. Developmental/In-Depth Topics on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom Board Business Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom
TGIF [z]
ZoomTGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar (dewmillar@gmail.com) It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89782031771?pwd=WU1aOUdmVnFnNlVKcE1iNTRwMUtCdz09
GenXYZ Night
Ditzler HallSaturday, January 11 from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. - Earlier in winter months. An opportunity for pre-retirement age adults to get together to socialize. It will be Halloween/Fall themed. I know we will already have celebrated Halloween, but we can all still enjoy bobbing for apples, bowling with pumpkins, eating candy, and the like. Feel […]
Auction Item: Dinner with Cascades View
Off SiteMarcia and Kermit Sprang Join us for dinner and a view of the Snohomish Valley. We will serve salmon, hamburgers, assorted vegetables and fruits of the season, and other tasty treats. We will dine outside, weather permitting. The kitchen is gluten free and soy free. The 12 highest bidders will win seats. July 20, 2024, […]
GA2024 Report from WUUC Delegates
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- GA delegates: Pam Green, Winny Schnitzler, Dottie Simpson "Now the work of all of us is to begin - Can we lead with love; can we make space for all of us so we can move forward together? " The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here. https://bit.ly/wuucworship […]
Sunny Days [z]
ZoomSunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]