Auction Item: Family Fun Hike and Picnic
Off SiteAnn and Jeff Lu Join us for a fun, not too challenging hike, with a picnic afterwards. Children and well-behaved dogs can come, too. Rain Date; June 22
Larry Bridges Student Recital
Ditzler HallStudent Recital on June 15 1:30-4:30
GenXYZ Night
Ditzler HallSaturday, January 11 from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. - Earlier in winter months. An opportunity for pre-retirement age adults to get together to socialize. It will be Halloween/Fall themed. I […]
Lay Leadership as a Spiritual Practice
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Jan Radoslovich This year, the Board has read and discussed "Serving with Grace" by Erik Walker Wikstrom. His final chapter has these observations about the spirituality of lay leadership. […]
GA Discussion Topics in person
Ditzler HallUUA General Assembly (GA) is totally virtual this year, convening June 20-23, 2024. You have elected three WUUC delegates - Dottie Simpson, Pam Green, and Winny Schnitzler. This year, delegates […]
Sunny Days [z]
ZoomSunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome […]
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Ditzler Hall & LibraryOur Tuesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Tuesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent […]
Staff Meeting [z]
ZoomWeekly Staff Meeting for Minister, Office Administrator, Accompanist, and Choir Director. 4th Tuesdays in person.
Finance Committee [z]
ZoomFinance Committee Meeting.
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Portable 2Cottage Lake AA Meetings. Tuesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Portable 2. Email office to get in touch with coordinator.
Lay Pastoral Associates [z]
ZoomLay Pastoral Associates Meeting. Contact Rev. Dan for more information.
Board of Trustees Meeting [z]
ZoomAll are welcome to attend anytime. Developmental/In-Depth Topics on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom Board Business Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month […]
UUA General Assembly
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) General Assembly (GA) all remote.
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Ditzler Hall & ZoomRehearsal for WUUC Choir. Email Choir Director Matt Smith for more information.
Also called Midsummer's Eve, Litha celebrates the consummation of the sacred marriage in which the energy of the God is poured out in the service of life. His sacrifice, resulting […]