Fully Awake and Truly Alive

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Reverend Dan Lillie As we explore this month's theme of Awakening, let's consider some practices offered by Rev. Jane Vennard in her book, "Fully Awake and Truly Alive," that help us awaken more fully to the present, rather than spending too much time ruminating on the past or worrying about the future.

Practice Resurrection

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– A joint worship service of Evergreen UU Fellowship and Woodinville UU Church with Pastor Tom Bozeman and Rev. Dan Lillie. Visit wuuc.org/online-worship for info on how to join the service online.  

Get Rooted, Get Ready!

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– UU Ministry for Earth When you imagine pathways to embodying the inherent worth and dignity of all people, particularly climate migrants, what do you see? Who is with you on in this journey to realign our values and practices with justice? What transforms and gives way to new beginnings? Who and/or what are you […]

Golden Girls [os]

Off Site

The Golden Girls will meet once again for lunch on Thursday, April 28 at 11:30 a.m.  All women are welcome!  We invite you to come join us at McMenamins Tavern on the Square. The address is 18607 Bothell Way NE, Bothell. We will eat outdoors under cover and with heat lamps if needed.  Watch for […]

Camp Unity Meal [os]

Off Site

WUUC will provide food for the residents of Camp Unity Eastside (CUE) on Saturday, April 30. If you would like to help with this effort, please sign up to contribute using the link below. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dECuRiadtQHNU9UxhvJYvepxFSf58GUm/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109126386706750929753&rtpof=true&sd=true If you experience any difficulties with the spreadsheet, please contact Tevina Flood. Location: Camp Unity is still at St Teresa's, […]

Beltaine: A Celebration of Renewal and Hope

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Rachel Eddy Join our beloved community in a playful and whimsical celebration of the return of spring, designed to kindle the creative spark in each of us. We require proof of vaccination as well as a mask for in-person attendance. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: https://bit.ly/3EuWBCj Meeting ID: […]

WUUC Women’s Retreat 2022 [os]

Off Site

WUUC Annual Women’s Retreat 2022 Mountain Springs Lodge Plain, WA May 6-8, 2022 (Fri to Sun) Women of WUUC, we have missed you! Cis, trans, nonbinary, gender fluid, bring it! We will be communicating about this year's retreat via e-mail through the women@wuuc.org list. Please make sure you are signed up to receive e-mails there […]