Whose Life Are You Living


– Bridget Laflin, Congregational Intern An exploration of intentionally living our best life despite the expectations of our culture. The link to join the online service is: https://bit.ly/3eGdawV Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For audio only call: 669-900-9128.  

Discord Tech Help [z]


Join Zoom Meeting https://uuma.zoom.us/j/92533384519?pwd=VThEQ0dvaEREQUlscHdmRWlQWkxqQT09 Meeting ID: 925 3338 4519 Passcode: 809943 Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Virtual Game Night [d]


Please join us on Discord for a Virtual Game Night - 7pm on February 4th! Games aren't just for kids, this event is for everyone in our community! We will curate games based on the group's mood, but some options are Pictionary, Telestrations, Codenames, Just One, JackBox, or games on Board Game Arena. No prior […]

Bloom Where You’re Planted


– Bridget Laflin, Congregational Intern Sometimes we choose our path in life. Sometimes, we are put in situations we did not choose. An exploration of what it means to live fully into our lives, especially through unforeseen circumstances. The link to join the online service is: https://bit.ly/3eGdawV Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For […]

All Supporters Pre-Annual Budget Drive Event [z]


What: WUUC Supporters Appreciation Get-Together In anticipation of good things to come Who: ALL are invited! What:  Time together celebrating ALL in our community When: Feb. 12, 4-6 p.m. Where: Zoom >> WUUC All Supporters Event << (click on link) Theme:  Re-Emergence Updates from Rev Dan and the Stewardship team about plans for the upcoming year […]

To Be Determined


– Guest Speaker The link to join the online service is: https://bit.ly/3eGdawV Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For audio only call: 669-900-9128.

Widening the Circle


– Reverend Dan Lillie "Widening the circle" is a phrase about inclusion, but it can also be about impact. How can we both widen the circle within our congregational community (inclusion), and also widen the circle of lives that we touch beyond our congregation (impact)?   The link to join the online service is: https://bit.ly/3eGdawV […]


Pop-Up Blood Drive [s]

Ditzler Hall

LEND AN ARM, SAVE A LIFE! Bloodworks Northwest needs 1,000 blood donors every day!      Did you know that 6.6% of the population has O- blood type?  This is the universal blood type that can be transfused to any patient.  Bloodworks Northwest needs O- donors, and donors with all other blood types too!  Be one […]

Camp Unity Meal [os]

Off Site

WUUC will be providing food for the residents of Camp Unity Eastside (CUE) on Saturday, Feb. 26. If you would like to help with this effort, please sign up to contribute using the link below. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VdCv1Q7mVrAvXh65PybPDHBOsbcq_5jg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109126386706750929753&rtpof=true&sd=true If you experience any difficulties with the spreadsheet, please Tevina Flood know. Location: Camp Unity is moving to St […]

Re-Emergence (Pledge Drive Kick-off)


– Reverend Dan Lillie As we kick off the pledge drive for the 2022-23 year, let's imagine what that year might look like as we re-emerge from our pandemic-induced hibernation. The link to join the online service is: https://bit.ly/3eGdawV Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For audio only call: 669-900-9128.