Calendar of Events
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
S Sun
1 event,
Membership Team [z]
Membership Team [z]
Meeting for WUUC's Membership and Engagement Committee. Meets from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Monday's of the month. Contact the chair Kate Smith with questions.
4 events,
Staff Meeting [z]
Staff Meeting [z]
Weekly Staff Meeting for Minister, Office Administrator, Accompanist, and Choir Director. 4th Tuesdays in person.
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop leader Sherri Chamberland Troop #46615 Actually meeting from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Soul Matters Small Group
Soul Matters Small Group
Soul Matters small group led by Ann Lu. Are you interested in more deeply exploring the monthly UU Soul Matters themes? Or would you like to be part of a small discussion group? Maybe both? I am currently facilitating a small zoom group every month that reviews and discusses material in the Soul Matters packet. […]
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meetings. Tuesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Portable 2. Email office to get in touch with coordinator.
3 events,
Newsletter Deadline
Now is the time to submit your articles, events, ministry accomplishments, and royalty-free photos for the WUUC Newsletter. Please send your contributions to the office administrator at by the end of the day if you wish to be included.
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
Supporting LGBTQ+ Ally Workshop
Supporting LGBTQ+ Ally Workshop
Have you asked “How can I be a better ALLY?” The Welcoming Congregations Committee will offer a workshop on how to better understand the interplay of attraction, identity, and expression. With your new understanding, you will have more tools you can use to better support all people in their stages of coming out (as LGBTQ+), especially […]
2 events,
Golden Girls Lunch (os)
Golden Girls Lunch (os)
- Stephana Ditzler All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, December 19 at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 – 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An […]
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Rehearsal for WUUC Choir. Email Choir Director Matt Smith for more information.
3 events,
February 2024 Soul Matters Theme: Inclusion
Passage from Soul Matters February 2025 Theme: Welcome to the Practice of Inclusion You hardly knew how hungry you were to be gathered in, to receive the welcome that invited you to enter entirely... You began to breathe again... You learned to sing. But the deal with this blessing is that it will not leave […]
Also called Imbolg, Candlemas, Brigantia, The Feast of the Waxing Light, and Oimelc. Imbolc celebrates the increasing strength of the God, given as the first and greatest gift of the Goddess. Many Wiccans honour the Goddess at this time as the source of fire, poetry, arts, crafts, agriculture and smith craft. It is a time […]
Music Circle
Music Circle
Music Circle will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in Ditzler Hall. You are invited to bring your voice, your drums, your guitars or whatever instruments you want for impromptu music making. Bring music if you want, or just jump in any way you can and have some fun […]
6 events,
Buildings & Grounds (BAG) [l,z]
Buildings & Grounds (BAG) [l,z]
Monthly meeting for the Building and Grounds Committee at WUUC. Contact: Kermit/Marcia Sprang or Azure Forte
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons Group at WUUC led by John Gamble meeting Sundays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Portable 2.
Lunar New Year Celebration
Lunar New Year Celebration
Join us for Lunar new year celebration at WUUC from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 2. We will have a traditional “Lion Dance” at 1:30 p.m. and some snacks. We are excited for you to join us in celebrating this dynamic year of the Wood Snake! Kindly RSVP here: so we can get […]
Sunny Days [z]
Sunny Days [z]
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
0 events,
3 events,
Staff Meeting [z]
Staff Meeting [z]
Weekly Staff Meeting for Minister, Office Administrator, Accompanist, and Choir Director. 4th Tuesdays in person.
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop leader Sherri Chamberland Troop #46615 Actually meeting from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meetings. Tuesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Portable 2. Email office to get in touch with coordinator.
1 event,
Board of Trustees Meeting [z]
Board of Trustees Meeting [z]
All are welcome to attend anytime. Developmental/In-Depth Topics on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom Board Business Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom
1 event,
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Rehearsal for WUUC Choir. Email Choir Director Matt Smith for more information.
2 events,
Pondering the BIG Questions [z]
Pondering the BIG Questions [z]
Pondering the BIG Questions WUUC Small Group. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Friday's of every month from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (noon) via Zoom. Contact Terry Santmann.
0 events,
6 events,
My Funny Valentine
My Funny Valentine
By Grace Simons Valentine’s Day is this Friday. What better time to talk about love, what it means, how we get it and give it and how it makes a difference. Reverend Grace Simons Bio: Rev Grace Simons is Minister Emerita of the UU Fellowship of Stanislaus County (CA), and also served High Country UU […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons Group at WUUC led by John Gamble meeting Sundays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Portable 2.
Membership Classes
Membership Classes
This short-form class is a crash course covering UUism in general as well as church and community structure at WUUC. Pre-registration is required. Newly joined members or regulars are welcome to attend. If you are interested in attending, please talk to Kate Smith, Ann Lu, or Marcia Sprang. Happening at Katherine Smith's house on Sunday, […]
Poetry Group [l&z]
Poetry Group [l&z]
January March 2025 Poetry Group Meetings will be Zoom only. Explore poetic forms through group writing exercises and share your work with interested poets. We meet on 2nd Sundays. Contact: Pamela Denchfield,
Sunny Days [z]
Sunny Days [z]
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
2 events,
Monday Morning Sister Circle [L]
Monday Morning Sister Circle [L]
Monday Morning Sister Circle is a WUUC group which has met every second Monday(10-12). We are a group of women who meet in the Library at WUUC to discuss a person of interest or an essay of interest every month. We have recently discussed women philosophers, women of action, NPR essays, spiritual essays, etc. The […]
Membership Team [z]
Membership Team [z]
Meeting for WUUC's Membership and Engagement Committee. Meets from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Monday's of the month. Contact the chair Kate Smith with questions.
3 events,
Staff Meeting [z]
Staff Meeting [z]
Weekly Staff Meeting for Minister, Office Administrator, Accompanist, and Choir Director. 4th Tuesdays in person.
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop leader Sherri Chamberland Troop #46615 Actually meeting from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meetings. Tuesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Portable 2. Email office to get in touch with coordinator.
2 events,
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
Super Seniors Potluck (s)
Super Seniors Potluck (s)
Super Seniors is a group for WUUCs age 77 and above. We meet every 1st Wed of the month (except on Holidays the 2nd Wednesday) for a potluck lunch at noon at the church. If you meet the age criteria we would love to have you join us for good food and good chatting. Questions? […]
1 event,
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Rehearsal for WUUC Choir. Email Choir Director Matt Smith for more information.
1 event,
Valentine’s Day
It originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and, through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.
0 events,
6 events,
Speaking Truth to Power: Responsible Social Action in an Era of Disrespect
Speaking Truth to Power: Responsible Social Action in an Era of Disrespect
By Steve Jung Honoring Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde for the caring and courage reflected in her 21 January sermon before the National Prayer Service at the National Cathedral in Washington DC. Steve Jung: Steve Jung is a member of WUUC who serves on the Worship Team and Finance Committee and has recently joined the […]
Town Hall to Present Budget
Town Hall to Present Budget
On Sunday, February 16, a Town Hall will be held immediately after the service regarding the proposed 25-26 WUUC budget.
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons Group at WUUC led by John Gamble meeting Sundays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Portable 2.
Relationships and Resolutions Team Workshop: Full Spectrum Listening
Relationships and Resolutions Team Workshop: Full Spectrum Listening
Have you ever felt really listened to? As if the other person really “got” what you were trying to say? Have you ever wondered why you felt that way and how they did it? R&R will be holding a workshop on Sunday, Feb 16, starting at 11:45 a.m. after service to share the techniques of […]
Sunny Days [z]
Sunny Days [z]
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
0 events,
5 events,
Staff Meeting [z]
Staff Meeting [z]
Weekly Staff Meeting for Minister, Office Administrator, Accompanist, and Choir Director. 4th Tuesdays in person.
Worship Team [l&z]
Worship Team [l&z]
Worship Team Meetings (Coordinators & Leaders). Worship Team Meeting 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Meeting every 3rd Tuesday of the Month Hybrid in Library & via Zoom Every quarter monthly meeting 5-8 with potluck! - September, December, March, June
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop leader Sherri Chamberland Troop #46615 Actually meeting from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meetings. Tuesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Portable 2. Email office to get in touch with coordinator.
3 events,
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
Board of Trustees Meeting [z]
Board of Trustees Meeting [z]
All are welcome to attend anytime. Developmental/In-Depth Topics on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom Board Business Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom
1 event,
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Rehearsal for WUUC Choir. Email Choir Director Matt Smith for more information.
1 event,
Pondering the BIG Questions [z]
Pondering the BIG Questions [z]
Pondering the BIG Questions WUUC Small Group. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Friday's of every month from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (noon) via Zoom. Contact Terry Santmann.
1 event,
Men’s Breakfast [os]
Men’s Breakfast [os]
Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about whatever comes up. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning. This is a men's group for WUUC; […]
5 events,
Belonging and Fitting In
Belonging and Fitting In
By Jane Flood Fitting in and belonging are like Yin and Yang within a community. They have to coexist in balance. Sometimes one might be more important than the other. But they are not the same. Let's explore these two ideas, how they relate to each other, and how they coexist in our WUUC community. […]
Post-Service Potluck [s]
Post-Service Potluck [s]
A potluck in the sanctuary on the 4th Sunday of each month after Sunday service. For those with limited transportation, a potluck just after service is much easier to manage than a special trip to someone’s home like with our circle suppers and lunches. Please send me thoughts and questions to Tevina Flood:
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons Group at WUUC led by John Gamble meeting Sundays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Portable 2.
Post-Potluck All-Ages Drum Circle
Post-Potluck All-Ages Drum Circle
Come at 12:30 or drift over from the potluck and get into the flow of some seriously joyful rhythm-making at the far side of the Sanctuary. A variety of hand drums will be provided, but you are beyond welcome to bring your own. There will also be small percussion provided—shakers, tambourines, even a cowbell. You […]
Sunny Days [z]
Sunny Days [z]
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
1 event,
Membership Team [z]
Membership Team [z]
Meeting for WUUC's Membership and Engagement Committee. Meets from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Monday's of the month. Contact the chair Kate Smith with questions.
4 events,
Staff Meeting [z]
Staff Meeting [z]
Weekly Staff Meeting for Minister, Office Administrator, Accompanist, and Choir Director. 4th Tuesdays in person.
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop meeting (n)
Girl Scout troop leader Sherri Chamberland Troop #46615 Actually meeting from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Soul Matters Small Group
Soul Matters Small Group
Soul Matters small group led by Ann Lu. Are you interested in more deeply exploring the monthly UU Soul Matters themes? Or would you like to be part of a small discussion group? Maybe both? I am currently facilitating a small zoom group every month that reviews and discusses material in the Soul Matters packet. […]
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]
Cottage Lake AA Meetings. Tuesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Portable 2. Email office to get in touch with coordinator.
2 events,
Newsletter Deadline
Now is the time to submit your articles, events, ministry accomplishments, and royalty-free photos for the WUUC Newsletter. Please send your contributions to the office administrator at by the end of the day if you wish to be included.
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Zen Meditation & Study [s&l]
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
2 events,
Golden Girls Lunch (os)
Golden Girls Lunch (os)
- Stephana Ditzler All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, December 19 at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 – 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An […]
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Rehearsal for WUUC Choir. Email Choir Director Matt Smith for more information.