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The Gift of Children in Church

The Gift of Children in Church

As I’ve been getting to know everyone and talking with you all about WUUC, one topic has come up from many different people in various ways; children’s participation in Sunday services.  I think the most important thing to remember is that the presence of...

What’s New in RE

Greetings! First of all, I want to thank all of you for making me feel so welcome at WUUC. Since arriving I have been busy learning how the church functions, figuring out where things are kept, and meeting so many wonderful people.  I am looking forward to meeting the...

Dear Parents of Children and youth in Soulful Exploration at WUUC:

As our church year comes to a close, I want to take this time to review our time in Soulful Exploration and share the scope & sequence for RE programming in 2017-2018. I am so very thankful to all of our volunteers who helped our program run smoothly this year. It...

Spiritual Practices Help Us Embody Our Values

We Wookies (WUUC community) have shown in practice and reflection that we place a high value on contemplative practice. We are a Unitarian Universalist community in our openness and acceptance of a variety of contemplative modalities and practices. We see the value of...

Transformation: Where to Find Spiritual Tools

Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting. - Judith Minty I believe as we age we gain a better understanding of life's purpose and meaning. For me, life’s meaning is far too nebulous to awkwardly attempt to put...

Soulful Exploration for All (That means you!)

Make sure to check out our website often for updates to our program at wuuc.org/programs The REALL (Religious Education and Lifelong Learning) team and I are contemplating how we might incorporate commitments made in the resolution for the support of Black lives,...