Minister Musings
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Letter to WUUC about Rev. Dan’s Sabbatical
Greetings WUUC community, As we enter my fifth year of ministry with you here at WUUC, I want to share the news that I will be taking a sabbatical during the 2024-25 church year. This is a normal custom among clergy of all types, and specifically for Unitarian...
Ministers Musing (May 2023)
Renewing Our Souls Greetings WUUC Community, Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, sunshine punctuates the stretches of wet, gray days, and we, too, are finding life anew. Each monthly newsletter has more events, activities, and programs than the one before, which is...
Rev. Dan taking Study Leave
Rev. Dan will be away on Study Leave from March 21-29. He will be back to work on Thursday, March 30. During his time away, Rev. Dan will not be checking email regularly, and should be contacted by phone only in the event of an emergency.
The Wisdom of Groundhog Day
Greetings WUUC Community, Every year on February 2, Punxsutawney Phil (a groundhog) comes out of his borrow in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. If he sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter. (This year, Phil did see his shadow, so we can expect six more weeks of...
Minister’s Musings – December 2022
Blessings in this Holiday Season Greetings WUUC community, This time of year always seems to sneak up on me. Every fall I know it’s coming, but October and then November seem to come and go in the blink of an eye. And suddenly it’s December. As the days get shorter...
Please Welcome Our New WUUC Staff Members!
In October, we welcomed two new members to the WUUC staff team. Amy Genova is our new Membership Coordinator, and Skylar Hopkins is our new Director of Religious Education. They will both be around on most Sundays, so please take a moment to say hello and welcome them...