Last month we described Taming Bigfoot, a website designed to convert a number of common things you do to the amount of greenhouse gas they cause.
During the last month, Donna and I registered on the website and went through the Taming Bigfoot program. Here is our experience.
First, Taming Bigfoot uses a standard unit of measurement-CO2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent. Everything you enter is converted to this unit of measurement.
We entered information in three main areas: Home, transportation and food.
We looked at specific bills for electricity, gas, garbage and water and became more aware of the energy that is used by each utility system. This was a little challenging since we do automatic bill pay and mostly paperless billing, and truth be told we don’t keep very good track from month to month. It was a good exercise to go into all of the web sites and gather the data for each utility.
It made us realize that we don’t actually know a bunch of stuff — like the weight of non-recyclable, non- compostable garbage we put out each week.
It made us realize the way plane travel (Donna took a trip to the east coast in October) really pushes up our household carbon footprint. It would be fun to keep track of these things over a year and try to do everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint. Since there is such seasonality in our utility bills that would really be the best way for us to determine changes over time. That would take a lot of commitment, so it would be cool to have a group to report out to.
So: the big ask. Who would like to be part of the WUUC Taming Bigfoot group? If you are interested in participating in this group, please email me at and we will set up an organizing meeting.