By Linda Sherry, Board Co-Secretary

October Greetings from the Board!
The board has spent the first two months of the church year bonding and developing our working relationships and assessing where WUUC is at and what will be next.  As a long-time member of WUUC, and a member of the board, I am personally very excited as WUUC continues to develop in depth and numbers as we work together in faithful community.

The focus of our September 20th meeting was to develop and commit to the Board’s goals for this church year.  Below is a link to the actual document, and here is a quick overview:

Many/most of these goals will not be fully achieved in the course of one year, and all will include development of teams and task forces to accomplish.


  1. Build a Safer Congregational Culture.  The board is continuing the recent work on a) sexual safety, b) conflict resolution and c)  working through potentially destructive behaviors, and will expand the focus to a wider variety of safety recommendations based UUA guidelines, from child safety in our programs to building safety procedures for emergencies.
  2. Enhance Board/Congregation Communication   We will work to have continuous engagement with members in all matters of church life, and are committed to not only transparency, but also to sincerely listening to concerns as they are raised and discerning responses in the best interests of the entire community.

NEW GOALS for 2023-2024

  1. Complete Rev. Dan’s Final Fellowship Process.  Rev Dan is in his third and final year of application Full Fellowship as a Unitarian Universalist Minister.  This requires a great deal of input from the Congregation in respect to many areas of church life and ministerial leadership. 
  2. Organize, Update and Refine Organizational infrastructure,  WUUC Policies, Procedures, Bylaws, Organizational Chart/Structure etc – are overdue for revision.  The board is dedicated to establish cohesive and Sunstainablemanagement and leadership practices into the future.
  3. Initiate a Visioning and Mission Development Process AS a congregation – This will help understand WUUC’s Identity and Purposes as we boldly move through the future.  This process will be designed with the entire congregation’s involvement, and will take quite some time. This will provide not only in guidance for our activites, programs, social involvement etc, but also enable us to iterate more clearly who we are and what we’re about.

In the spirit of our loving and meaningful community,

Linda Sherry, Board Co-Secretary

2023-2024 WUUC Board Goals  PDF