John Hartman

The inaugural meeting of WUUC’s Eco Connect committee will be held on December 6 at 7PM in the

Eco Connect (Ecological Connection) Mission:  To protect the web of all existence and prevent climate
anxiety by mitigating the impacts of climate change through personal actions and changes in behavior,
political and policy advocacy, and increased education about and exposure to nature.
Committee Emphasis
1)      Members share information on and model personal actions that reduce their impact on
living things and the earth’s ecosystems that support them.
2)      Members share information on and advocate for political candidates and policies that
support climate change mitigation and protection of living things on earth.
3)      Members share information and participate in educational opportunities and direct
experiences of nature that increase their understanding of and empathy for the natural world
and reduce their climate anxiety.

What the Committee is NOT. We will not spend a lot of time focusing on the impacts of climate change
which can lead to depression and inaction. Our focus will be positive actions we can take as individuals
as well as technological and other advancements which are being implemented to mitigate the impacts
of climate change. We will focus on Hope and Education rather than Grief.

At the meeting on December 6 we will lay out options, discuss preferences and set a rough timeline for
meeting topics and committee actions for the coming year.

Please contact John Hartman ( if you plan to attend.