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Auction Item: Come Fry With Me
Off SiteTevina and Jane Flood Come Fry With Me, Come Fry, Come Fry Away... The only thing that could have made manna from heaven better was if it had come deep […]
The Infinite Story
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Chuck Fowler Everything has a story and every credo has a story. In this interactive service, Chuck Fowler will share a synopsis of his credo and give you the […]
Sabbatical Q&A
Ditzler Hall & ZoomRev. Dan will be taking a sabbatical during the 2024-25 church year for four-months starting on November 25, 2024, and returning to work on March 25, 2025. To share what […]
Endowment Committee Meeting
Library & ZoomEndowment Committee Meeting