WUUC 2020 Auction Fundraiser & Party, Nov. 14-21

WUUC 2020 Auction Fundraiser & Party, Nov. 14-21

Preview night, Nov. 14, 7-8 p.m. live (Zoom)- introduction of the virtual auction (SIMPLE auction website info/instructions), — plus our Auctioneers, Rob Katz & John Villasenor, will open bidding for one live auction item (test run for Nov. 21)

Virtual auction, Nov. 14-21 – online bidding anytime, 8pm Nov. 14- noon, Nov. 21,   – bidders will receive email updates about their bid status

Live Auction & Party, Nov. 21, 7-8:30 p.m. (Zoom) 19-20’s holodeck Party & live auction with musical entertainment and break-out groups for gabbing & mingling

Donations needed by Nov. 7  — donate your knitting, canning, baking, brewing, and the spate of books you’ve read; dinner delivered, online games night, socially distanced summer escape. … For info, ideas, and updates see the weekly WUUC Auction email announcements OR contact the auction team at auctionteam@wuuc.org

ASJ Special Collections Update – Your Money Supports Our Values!

By Cora Goss-Grubbs and Pam Green, Co-Chairs
We are delighted to report that last month we collected $1,455 to add to the Black Student and Families Fund (BSAFF). This money, along with WUUC volunteers, assists the families of students in the Northshore School District with a variety of needs – from essentials of food and shelter, to monthly bills and car repairs, to community organizing and support for future dreams including college and career development.

Your contributions will fund programs and services with the goal of providing a safe environment for students to explore and express their identity as they navigate the racial constructs of their world.

Our special collection on Nov. 20 will be for TRUUsT (Transgender Religious professional UUs Together), an organization of trans Unitarian Universalists who are living out a call to ministry within Unitarian Universalism. Its mission is to advocate for the gifts, safety, liberation, and leadership of trans religious professionals in Unitarian Universalist ministries and institutions. Nov. 20 is also Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia. Please consider making a financial contribution to TRUUsT on this important day.

Team Trees Update: One of the organizations we dedicated a 2019-2020 ASJ special collection to recently announced that they raised enough to plant 22.3 million trees across six continents. That’s a lot of trees! Curious to hear more about Team Trees and what they’ve been up to? Watch this short video: https://youtu.be/myPgz2RRdok

As always, the ASJ Committee thanks WUUC members and friends for their generous support of our monthly special collections, which take place during services on the third Sunday of every month. Instructions for giving are posted during the service, and you can also donate anytime the following week at https://onrealm.org/wuuc/-/give/now, or by sending a check to WUUC at P.O. Box 111, Woodinville, WA 98072. Please make checks out to WUUC and write “ASJ Special Collection” in the notes.

Theme: Healing

What Does it Mean to Be a People of Healing?

If your body won’t do what it used to, for right now let it be enough.

If your mind won’t stop racing or can’t think of the word, let it be enough.

If you are here utterly alone and in despair, be all that here with us.

If today you cannot sing because your throat hurts or you don’t have the heart for music, be silent. …

The world won’t stop spinning on her axis if you don’t rise to all occasions today.

Love won’t cease to flow in your direction,

your heart won’t stop beating,

all hope won’t be lost…
Rev. Vanessa Southern

Often we hunger for healing but don’t know what it will take to make our way there. The goal is elusive. The path is unclear.

Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.
bell hooks

But what if the work is to travel toward our suffering? What if proximity to pain, not distance from it, is the real route to healing?

When we hold our suffering in a way that opens us to greater compassion, heartbreak becomes a source of healing, deepening our empathy for others who suffer and extending our ability to reach out to them.  – Parker Palmer

Remember that healing words aren’t always easy or immediately comforting. Sometimes the words we need to hear the most are the ones that are hard to hear or grab us by the shoulders and shake us awake.

The truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.
Pema Chödrön

Until we widen our view and notice that there are circumstances wounding us both, the painful gap between us will never heal.
Rev. Kaaren Anderson

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Wendy Mass

  *   *   *  

Each month, WUUC is exploring a theme suggested by the UUA program Soul Matters.  Materials are provided for small groups and for worship themes related to each topic.  The reflections above are from those materials, and compiled by Linda Sherry.

Worship Team Update:  Creativity as Worship, Art as Ministry

Worship Team Update: Creativity as Worship, Art as Ministry

By Donna Johnson and Karen Hyams

Art: The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. ‘(Oxford Dictionary)

“The foremost reason that artists create, and the rest of us value their art, is because art forms a priceless living bridge between the everyday psychology of our minds and the universal spirit of humanity…….This is the thing: art comes from the heart and, likewise, speaks to the heart; but this asks something of the witness, too, a kind of emotional and spiritual sensitivity with which to receive the generous gift of the artist.” (Larry Culliford, Spiritual Wisdom for Secular Times)

We are blessed to have writers, musicians and artists who encourage one another, who collaborate, and who contribute to Sunday Service every week. Knowing what music you love, what captured your eye while you were hiking, or what stories you have to tell lets us see you. These shared insights enrich our worship services with art’s “emotional power” and ability to help us “bridge to the universal spirit of humanity.” The creative gifts we share are making new connections, inspiring others to express themselves and share their own perspectives, and contributing to our identity as a community. That is a ministry.

For the past months, we have been using the art of WUUC members and friends during the service to enhance our meditation and musical experiences. Now, we are also sharing this art as part of a slide show in the 10 minutes before the service starts each week – the Zoom version of the art that we used to enjoy in the foyer when we were having services in the sanctuary. Thank you to those who have sent in their work. As creative people, we get to show who we are, what we are obsessed with, how we are doing in the moment we are creating, and what matters to us.

Visual Arts Ministry

This re-forming team has a new focus now that our gallery is virtual. The participation of our congregation is unprecedented and inspiring. If you’d like to work on this exciting project with creative people (who are always fun) send a message to Marlene Katz mkatz@wuuc.org

How to Contribute images and video

Best way: Upload files to the graphics folder in Drive, make sure they are named correctly. You can edit names in Drive after uploading.

Graphics Folder

Other way: Email graphic files to Marlene Katz, mkatz@wuuc.org

To Contribute Music, contact Brad Hull, bhull@wuuc.org

What we are looking for:

Original Photos: Nature, Landscape, moody, inspiring, calming, pets, people, coffee, funny

Sometimes we’ll send out a request for a theme.

Original Artwork: any medium, any PG subject but we are especially fond of kid artwork, pet portraits, and kid pet portraits.

Photographing artwork is tricky, try to avoid shadows and glare, and get as close as you can. Make sure the image is big enough; a general guide is Horizontal (landscape) – 1,024 x 512 Vertical (portrait) – 800 x 1,200 Most smartphones do fine.

What happens next:

New files organized

We will use them when it is appropriate for the context. We may contact you asking for permission to use your image in a graphic for church. We don’t know when we’ll use your contribution, but we hope we can use them all.

Credits and Releases:

Your original work only

If you wish to be credited, name your files with your name & the title. 

Khyams frog.jpg is a good example. 

Make sure you have everyone’s permission to publish photos that they are in. Photo release forms are required for children.

Skills for Deep Listening to Another Person

Skills for Deep Listening to Another Person

By Jan Radoslovich
The October 2020 Soul Matters theme was “Deep Listening.” WUUC’s Lay Pastoral Associates (LPAs) and Rev. Dan would like to take this opportunity to share some of the skills we use for deep listening. Each of us in the congregation can have the opportunity to provide care to each other in times of need.  Deep listening has an important role in enabling us to support each other in our beloved community.

Why do it?

Practicing and developing deep listening skills can offer the “quality of listening that is possible among a circle of human beings, who by their attentiveness to one another create a space in which each person is able to give voice to the truth of their life.”  Rebecca Parker

Deep Listening Includes:

  • Being aware of your own ability and readiness to engage with the speaker.
  • Being fully present in the “here and now” with the speaker, tuned in to the experiences, feelings and needs expressed in this moment.
  • Being attentive to the speaker’s speech and body language for deeper meaning, unspoken needs and feelings conveyed.
  • Being aware that the speaker’s experiences and points of view may not be the same as yours, and your role is to understand and reflect, not judge or agree.
  • Asking questions to encourage the speaker to clarify their thinking and feelings in order to more fully understand their truth.

How to Practice Deep Listening:

Center the speaker as the focus of the conversation

You are present for the speaker.  Keep the focus on the needs of the speaker as they talk. Avoid statements or comments that redirect the conversation back to you as the listener. Ex. “That reminds me of something similar that happened to me.” Avoid statements or comments that change the subject. Ex. “Speaking of anger, did you see the movie about….”

Emphasize the “here-and-now”

What does the speaker need “here-and-now?” What is happening for the speaker “here-and-now?” Avoid reassuring cliches, which tend to minimize the significance of the feelings and convey a lack of understanding or support. Ex. “It will all work out.” “Everyone feels that way.” “It’s not as bad as you think.” “The universe has a plan for everything.” 

Focus on feelings

Ask questions about feelings.  Use active listening skills such as:  reflecting, probing, supporting to convey interest in understanding feelings. Verbalize implied feelings to validate understanding and help the speaker become more aware of their feelings.  Ask the speaker to describe in words how they are feeling right now.  Ask the speaker to describe how they feel about the situation. 

Balance words with silence

Use silence to slow the pace of the conversation. This gives the speaker time to reflect upon, then speak further about feelings and insights that have arisen from their sharing. As a listener, become comfortable with the uncomfortable void of silence. The speaker is doing their internal work during this void.

Show empathy and respect

Empathy is doing our best to see and experience the world or situation from the perspective of the speaker. Respect is offering regard for the speaker’s perceptions, opinions, feelings, needs and personhood. This can be done with simple phrases, “I hear what you are saying,” “I understand,” “This is a difficult time for you,” “Thank you for sharing so openly with me.” 

In summary

“To listen is very hard, because it asks of us so much interior stability that we no longer need to prove ourselves by speeches, arguments, statements or declarations.  True listeners no longer have an inner need to make their presence known. They are free to receive, to welcome, to accept.”  Henri Nouwen

Are you willing to be a deep listener?

Authored by Jan Radoslovich, lay pastoral associate, with guidance from Soul Matters, What Does it Mean to Be a People of DEEP LISTENING? October 2020.