At its latest meeting, the Board was joined by Bridget Laflin, Donna Johnson, Karen Hyams, Chick Sweeney, Erika Kirkendall and Jan Radoslovich (representing the Worship Committee, Religious Education, and Membership) to address the Board regarding full community, multi-generational worship, which is now being held once a month. Various guests offered their reasons for supporting multi-generational worship. Implementation of this model of worship is a work in progress.

The Board has submitted to the Ministerial Search Committee a final approved draft of the proposed contract for the new minister. 

According to David’s tally, we are nine short of the required number for the Chalice Lighter program. Efforts will continue in an attempt to reach the threshold.

Dottie is leading a subcommittee that will meet with a banker to discuss potential refinancing of the church’s mortgage, which will balloon in 2024.  Dottie also reviewed for the Board the budget formation schedule for 2020-2021.

You can find minutes from the Board’s Nov. 5 meeting here:

Minutes from the Nov. 19 meeting are available here: