Image credit is Hardeep Singh from Flikr.

By Bridget Laflin
Congregational Intern
You all know me as the Director of Religious Education, but I am also a seminary student in my last year of my Master of Divinity program at Seattle University.  My ultimate goal is to become an Unitarian Universalist minister.  As a graduation requirement for my Master’s program, I need to do a congregational internship for two quarters.  Rev. Dan and the Board of Trustees at WUUC were kind enough to let me do my internship here in addition to my work as DRE.  A few things to know:

  • I only have 10 hours per week in this position, and will only be wearing my intern hat between the end of September and the end of March, so the scope of my internship will be limited.
  • The amazing Rev. Grace Simons will be acting as my internship supervisor and mentor.  I am incredibly grateful to her for her generosity and wisdom.
  • I will be offering an adult religious education class at WUUC from November – March called “Improv as Spiritual Practice.”  More info to follow.
  • I will be working with the worship team for the next several months and will be helping to create and lead several services between now and the end of March.
  • I will be working with the Lay Pastoral Associates to learn more about providing pastoral care within the church community.

I can’t wait to spend more time with you all in my new role as a congregational intern.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Peace and Laughter, 
