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It Takes a Village: What Can We Create Together?

It Takes a Village: What Can We Create Together?

Hello Beloved WUUC Community! As we begin a new church year and think about our in-person-gathering plans, it is once again time to think about how each of us will share our time and talents with one another.  One of the most important concepts of Unitarian...

Let’s Not Rush

Let’s Not Rush

As we get closer to reopening church, it is tempting to try to rush back into the building and try to "get back to normal."  We miss each other and need connection.  AND as a faith community that strives to live into shared values, the decisions of how and...

Dreaming and Becoming

Dreaming and Becoming

Upon reflection, this month’s theme of “Becoming” seems particularly appropriate to the times we live in.  For the past year, we have been in quarantine, isolated in a way that most of us have never experienced before.  As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes more...

Hug Your Little Superheroes!

Hug Your Little Superheroes!

This pandemic has been hard on everyone, but parents and students have a unique set of struggles. And as we are recognizing a year since lockdown began, it seems that right now things seem even more difficult. I want you to know that you are all amazing, both the kids...

What Are We Inspired To Put Into the World?

What Are We Inspired To Put Into the World?

In mini-worship this month, we have been talking with the children about their unique and special talents.  We all have things that only we can contribute to the world.  We can use these gifts and talents to improve our own lives, the lives of our families, friends,...

Not A Creature Was Stirring?

Not A Creature Was Stirring?

Even though we humans haven't been making use of the church buildings, it seems that the puppets and stuffies have been having a wonderful time.  And hey seem to have welcomed Rev. Dan's new puppet friend Winston the Wolf to join their fun! They have been making...