Communication Creates Connection

Communication Creates Connection

Greetings from the Board of Trustees!

Communication Creates Connection – submitted by Board Co-secretary Linda Sherry

One of the Board’s continuing goals for this year is to Enhance Board/Congregation Communication with this description:

We will work to have continuous engagement with Members and Friends in all matters of church life, and are committed to not only healthy transparency, but also to sincerely listening to concerns as they are raised and discerning responses in the best interests of the entire community.

The Board is dedicated to the health of the congregation and sincerely wants to hear what you think about how things are going. 

Some ways you can reach out to the Board:

  1. Email to
  2. Send email to any Board member:   President Jan Radoslovich, Vice President Jeff Lu, Co-secretary Jeff Anderson, Co-secretary Linda Sherry, Treasurer Kermit Sprang, Azure (Blue) Forte, Trina Roulet.
  • Submit an Online Feedback Form.  This form will be read only by a Board Secretary who will respond to you and direct your input to the appropriate person.  Please note that including your name makes it much easier to clarify and follow up, but it is not required.

Here is both a link (which I hope works through this newsletter) and the full URL to the form:  WUUC Feedback Form

  • Contact Rev. Dan Lillie at: , or through the church office.
  • Contact the church office at:, or call 425-788-6044
  • Talk to any Board member at church or a social function, and also remember that we are not on-duty at all times, so we may suggest another time to talk.

How the Board shares with the Congregation

  • The Board sends all congregational communication to the ANNOUNCE@wuuc  email list which is dedicated to official info affecting the whole church.  Board members send items that are pertinent to their role.  (Secretaries send board minutes, Treasurer sends financial updates, etc.)
  • Each month, there is usually a newsletter article about Board activities (like this one). The newsletter has a LOT of great info about what’s going on at WUUC – I/we highly recommend reading it regularly.
  • The weekly Order of Service at Sunday services includes announcements.
  • The weekly announcement email from the office (
  • Some Board members act as liaison between the Board and other working groups in the community, including the Ministry Council, Finance Committee, Worship Team etc.

And there are many ways to communicate with one another, including:

  • The topic specific email lists.  Most popular is, often called the discussion list or the community list.  There are many others for Music/Choir, Women’s Retreat, RE, Politics etc.  The office can supply you with a list of lists, and instructions to be added or removed from WUUC lists. 
  • Talking with one another at church or social functions, online, or even a phone call!
  • There is a church roster within the WUUC website’s Secure Site (see home page of website, scroll down to the bottom for Secure Site Login)  If you are a member of WUUC, you should have access to this members-only area of the website.
  • MISocial media – In the past WUUC has used Facebook and Discord in the past,  and I’ve asked MarCom (Marketing/Communications) team to let us know what’s active now.

So my friends, let’s get connected and stay connected.  This beloved community can only  function when we are exchanging our thoughts and views.  As the hymn says, “From you I receive, to you I give, together we share, and by this we live.”

Giving Tree for Greenleaf

Giving Tree for Greenleaf

– Pam Green

We’re launching our 2023 Giving Tree, which will again support families living in the Greenleaf Apartments, a King County subsidized housing community in Kenmore. You can give any amount now at

Donations to the Giving Tree Fund will help purchase gift cards that families can use toward gifts for their children and groceries for the family. 

We are hoping to raise $2,900 to support about 13 families, including 23 children.

$10 helps a family buy new socks or cleaning supplies

$25 covers a Lego set or new shirt

$50 purchases a warm sweatshirt for a teen

$100 helps a family purchase groceries for their holiday meal

Choose from three ways to contribute by Dec. 14

  1. Use this link and donate through Realm: Be sure it says “Giving Tree 2023” in the “Fund” category. This option allows you to use a credit card.
  2. Scan the QR code that will be on several ornaments hanging from the tree in the WUUC sanctuary starting Dec 3. The cards will have a QR code on them that takes you to the Realm form described above.
  3. Drop off cash or check at the church for our Office Manager to deposit. Please note that it’s for ‘Giving Tree 2023’ on the check or envelope.

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated! Please feel free to share this info with family and friends who are looking for a way to give back this holiday season.

In gratitude,

Pam Green

Justice & Service Monthly Collection

The Advocates for Social Justice (ASJ) special collection on December 17th  will support the Na’ah Illahee Fund.  This fund supports and promotes the leadership of Indigenous women in the ongoing regeneration of Indigenous communities in the Pacific Northwest. Their work addresses climate and environmental justice, food security and food sovereignty, civic participation, youth leadership, and advancing regenerative economies from a personal to systemic level.

The ASJ Committee thanks WUUC members and friends for their generous support of our monthly special collections, which take place during services on the third Sunday of every month. Instructions for giving are posted during the service, and you can also donate anytime the following week at, or by sending a check to WUUC at P.O. Box 111, Woodinville, WA 98072. Please make checks out to WUUC and write “ASJ Special Collection” in the notes.

Safer Congregation Task Force Updates

Safer Congregation Task Force Updates

At WUUC we intend to promote and nurture a culture of respect and consent, providing a place where everyone can participate in a congregational life that is free from sexual harassment and misconduct. The WUUC Board appointed the Safer Congregation Task Force (SCTF) to study and implement Sexually Safer Best Practices. Creating Sexually Safer Congregations |  The SCTF began its work in January, 2023.  The SCTF selected two Best Practice priority areas to focus its attention:

  1.  WUUC Safer Congregation Rights and Responsibilities
  2. WUUC Safer Congregation Response Policy (to respond to a report that an adult has been the subject of sexual abuse or misconduct that creates a safety concern within the congregation). 

The Rights and Responsibilities is essentially a code of conduct that lays the foundation for affirming and nurturing a culture of consent, respect and accountability within our community. The Response Policy gives us the tools to respond promptly and appropriately in the event that the safety of our congregation is violated through an act of sexual misconduct.

We are happy to announce that both of these Best Practices documents have been approved by the Board and the SCTF will now focus its efforts on informing/educating the congregation.   The Board is responsible for appointing members of the Safer Congregation Response Team (SCRT) per the approved Response Policy.  Rev. Dan and Linda Sherry (Board Rep) are the current members, and three Members-at-Large will be appointed by the Board after appropriate vetting. 


WUUC Safer Congregation Rights and Responsibilities

WUUC Safer Congregation Response Policy

You have the right to report violations of your safety or the safety of others, and to have your concerns or allegations be promptly and thoroughly addressed. Reports can be made directly to the SCRT via e-mail ( or by contacting any member of the SCRT.   Additional resources for reporting allegations of misconduct are Board of Trustees members, the minister, or a Lay Pastoral Associate.   

Questions? Contact any of the SCTF Members: Leslie Morton and Liz Ligon (Co-Leads), Justin Gertler, Lori McConnell, Jan Radoslovich (Members at Large)

November Pop-Up Blood Drive Results

November Pop-Up Blood Drive Results

For the November 13-15, 2023 blood drive, you had a total of 107 people check in to donate blood, and 93 units were successfully collected.  This also included 2 first time donors-we hope it was a great experience for everyone, and that all will continue to donate on a regular basis.  The giving continues, as we already have 72 donors booked for the January 22-24, 2024 blood drives!                                          

The blood that was collected at your event will go to local hospitals, impacting and saving lives of patients throughout the Pacific Northwest. This blood is critical to maintain a stable blood supply for surgeries, medical emergencies, and for supporting patients battling life-threatening illnesses like leukemia and other cancers.

We thank all of the donors for taking time out of their day to give their gift of blood, and we thank you for the extra time and support you put into coordinating the logistics, that made the blood drive possible.  On behalf of patients in our community’s hospitals, I wish to extend our thanks.  Bloodworks Northwest is the primary supplier for over 90 hospitals in the Pacific Northwest.  

We do this because, Someone’s Tomorrow Needs a Blood Donor Today!  Check out the Bloodworks Northwest Blog for patient stories and more.  

Those who donated at this blood drive will be eligible to give again in 56 Days!

WUUC Launches Ecological Connection (Eco Connect) Committee

WUUC Launches Ecological Connection (Eco Connect) Committee

John Hartman

The inaugural meeting of WUUC’s Eco Connect committee will be held on December 6 at 7PM in the

Eco Connect (Ecological Connection) Mission:  To protect the web of all existence and prevent climate
anxiety by mitigating the impacts of climate change through personal actions and changes in behavior,
political and policy advocacy, and increased education about and exposure to nature.
Committee Emphasis
1)      Members share information on and model personal actions that reduce their impact on
living things and the earth’s ecosystems that support them.
2)      Members share information on and advocate for political candidates and policies that
support climate change mitigation and protection of living things on earth.
3)      Members share information and participate in educational opportunities and direct
experiences of nature that increase their understanding of and empathy for the natural world
and reduce their climate anxiety.

What the Committee is NOT. We will not spend a lot of time focusing on the impacts of climate change
which can lead to depression and inaction. Our focus will be positive actions we can take as individuals
as well as technological and other advancements which are being implemented to mitigate the impacts
of climate change. We will focus on Hope and Education rather than Grief.

At the meeting on December 6 we will lay out options, discuss preferences and set a rough timeline for
meeting topics and committee actions for the coming year.

Please contact John Hartman ( if you plan to attend.